Rabies Immune Globulin (RabIg) and Rabies Vaccine Quick Reference Guide to Administration

Key Messages

Rabies is a virus that causes neuroencephalitis and death in humans. It is transmitted via the saliva of infected animals. In Ontario, animals most at risk for having rabies are raccoons, foxes, skunks, and bats. In some areas of the world, rabies in domestic dogs poses a considerable risk.

High-risk exposures include bites to the hands, face and neck. Bat bites are not always visible, and direct contact with a bat, when a bite, scratch or saliva exposure into a wound or mucous membrane cannot be ruled out, is sufficient exposure to warrant rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (RPEP).

Rabies is nearly always fatal but can easily be prevented by encouraging people to vaccinate their pets, avoid touching or interacting with any unknown animals, and seeking proper care for any animal bites or scratches.

As a healthcare provider, you may be asked to administer RPEP, and appropriate administration is vitally important to ensure patients have the necessary immune protection to avoid contracting rabies. This can be accomplished by:

  • Administering rabies immune globulin (RabIg) correctly into the wound(s).
  • Administering the rabies vaccine at an anatomically DISTANT site from where RabIg is administered, preferably in a different limb.
  • Documenting administration of RPEP thoroughly, including sites of injection, volume/dosage, and vaccine lot numbers. 

Contact Us

If you have questions regarding rabies or want to notify Ottawa Public Health about an animal bite or potential exposure to rabies, please call 613-580-6744 (after selecting language press 2 to identify yourself as a health care professional and then press 1 and press 1 again to report an animal bite). After hours/weekends/holidays: Please call 3-1-1 and request to speak to a Public Health Inspector.

The Animal Bite Exposure Reporting Form (pdf- 188 KB)

Contact Us

Ottawa Public Health
100 Constellation Drive,
Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8

T 613-580-6744
YYT 613-580-9656
Toll free 1-866-426-8885
F 613-580-9660
Email: Email Ottawa Public Health